Our Services
Awaken Acupuncture & Cupping
The goal of acupuncture is to restore body balance.
Acupuncture is similar to the way nerves and blood vessels deliver messages and blood to the body through all systems, where energy, or Qi, delivers messages to the body along a series of pathways called meridian.
According to oriental medicine theory, each meridian is connected to a specific organ, and placing a fine needle at a certain point along this meridian can affect certain changes in the body and restore homeostasis.
Advanced Cupping
Cupping is a physical treatment that uses glass or plastic cups to create suction to the skin over painful areas or acupuncture points.
The suction created by cups promotes blood flow and this increased circulation can promote healing and reduce pain.
Cupping therapy is indicated for both healthy patients and those suffering from ailments. Localized ailments that benefit from cupping therapy include headache, low back pain, neck pain, and knee pain. Systemic illnesses that have seen benefits with cupping therapy include hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, psychiatric disorders, systemic infection, and skin disorders.
Massage has significant benefits for autonomic nervous system function. Physiological stress is relieved and the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves is controlled to be more balanced. Massage using meridian applies various techniques to reduce stress and relieve tension in the upper body. Massaging the scalp can stimulate nerves and blood vessels in the area and help calm muscle tension around the head. It can be an experience of comfort and energy from tension and stress.
Awaken “Relax” Facial Acupuncture
Many people, especially New Yorkers, use their bodies and energy 100 percent to live a busy life and do many things in a given time. Then, your chest becomes stuffy, your heart beats fast, you can't sleep due to stress, and when it gets worse, you have panic disorder symptoms, making it difficult to live your daily life. Acupuncture can help you put your burden on your muscles and mind and recover to peace by stimulating the blocked meridians. Try Acupuncture for relaxing your body, mind and soul. You can get back to your daily routine.
Awaken “Immune-Boosting” Acupuncture
Most cancer-treated hospitals have integrated care centers, which include acupuncture. It helps the immune system and treats many side effects (headache, nausea, vomiting, arthritis, low appetites, etc) caused by cancer treatment.
Acupuncture can benefit the whole body by stimulating the immune system and controlling inflammation. Depending on the condition or injury, a single treatment may be used to relieve it, but a series of sessions are usually required, especially if the problem is complex or chronic.
Premium Herbs
Effective, Accessible, Eco-Friendly
Awaken Acupuncture examines the patient's symptoms and conditions carefully and customize herbal medicine with eco-friendly herbs from S. Korea. It has great effects on headaches, allergies, insomnia, postpartum care, energy reinforcement, and gastrointestinal disorders.
Ships all over the United States.